
Certification can be a major effort. There are also costs involved. Certification should therefore yield its benefits:

Socially Responsible Procurement

Since the new Procure­ment Act, it is permit­ted to require a quality mark in the tech­ni­cal spec­i­fi­ca­tions of the contract, in the award crite­ria or as a contract condition.


More sustain­able prod­ucts are distinc­tive and have added value. Various buyers there­fore offer a surcharge for prod­ucts with the quality mark.

Cost reduction

By working accord­ing to the crite­ria of the Save Energy Foun­da­tion, compa­nies often use less energy. It’s good to keep track of that. This provides insight into the extent to which the cost savings cover the higher expenses or investments.

Interest discount on loans

Rabobank offers an inter­est discount for its so-called ‘Impact Loans’. SIC DcIC hall­mark holders come ?? eligi­ble for this. It concerns busi­ness loans from € 250,000, with an inter­est discount of up to 0.65%.

Tax Arrangements

Link with tax regulations

More infor­ma­tion on the follow­ing websites:


The certifi­cate can help to posi­tion your company in a posi­tive way. Think, for example, of the (sustain­able) image among busi­ness rela­tions, govern­ments or other social environments.

Risk management

In sustain­able produc­tion, atten­tion is paid to all crit­i­cal factors of the produc­tion process. A broad team of experts has incor­po­rated its knowl­edge and exper­tise into the certi­fi­ca­tion scheme, which hall­mark holders use. By limit­ing risks, there is less chance that unex­pected things affect produc­tion and inci­dents occur. This saves possi­ble costs for incidents.

Preferred Position

Increas­ingly, govern­ments are setting ‘sustain­abil­ity condi­tions’. In many cases, this can be met with certi­fi­ca­tion. For example, if govern­ments use a sustain­abil­ity score.

Reliable, transparent and controlled

Many parties have been involved in the process and have improved parts of processes. This provides effi­ciency, secu­rity, trust and involve­ment for both your company and your customer.

The biggest advantage

More sustain­able produc­tion is a better choice for nature, the envi­ron­ment, climate and animals. So ulti­mately for all of us.

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