Ready to Go Green

Save Energy Foun­da­tion has been active since January 2022 from and for the data center industry.

The Save Energy Foundation has contacts with:

Govern­ments, includ­ing the Ministry of Economic Affairs & Climate and the Nether­lands Enter­prise Agency (RVO)

Indi­vid­ual Data Centers includ­ing Bytesnet

DC Certi­fiers: certi­fied consul­tancy parties, such as Tuuring, that expertly help you to obtain your certificate

DC Aggre­ga­tors: certi­fied comput­ing units, such as WCoun­tiT, which can collect, analyze, anonymize and store the data you provide

The Dutch branch asso­ci­a­tion for data centers, the DDA, and inter­na­tion­ally with the SDIA

Save Energy Foundation Shield

The Save Energy Foundation:

Aims for improve­ments in data centers to use energy smarter

Ensures uniform appli­ca­tion of measure­ment methods in the industry

Revenue is used to develop and/or encour­age improve­ments and trans­fer knowl­edge about indus­try developments

Save Energy Foundation Shield

De Save Energy Foundation:

Aims for improve­ments in data centers to use energy smarter

Ensures the same measure­ment methods in the industry

Revenue is used to develop and/or encour­age improve­ments and trans­fer knowl­edge about indus­try developments


The Save Energy Foundation has contacts with:

Govern­ment such as Ministry of Economic Affairs & Climate and the RVO

Data centers such as Bytesnet

DC Certi­fiers: certi­fied super­vi­sors / consul­tancy such as Tuuring

DC Aggre­ga­tors: certi­fied comput­ing units such as WCountiT

Indus­try asso­ci­a­tions such as Dutch Data Center Asso­ci­a­tion and Green IT

The Foundation issues certificates for, among others, SIC/DcIC

Several certifi­cates are in development

SIC Shield


SIC stands for Server Idle Coef­fi­cient. This is the ratio of the IT Workload/Idle consump­tion of a server to the total energy consump­tion. Idle use can be seen as avoid­able energy loss.

DcIC Shield


The DcIC repre­sents the weighted average of the SIC for all servers in a data center.

Data centers can be certi­fied under the guid­ance of a DC Certi­fier or data centers can do it them­selves via a certi­fied calcu­la­tion system, the DC Aggregator.

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